Sunday 30 September 2012

Impacts of crime on the victims of those crimes go much farther than just to the victim. Families, friends, people who hear about it, and those who either watched it or those who worked at the scene of crime are all impacted emotionally and physically. In the case of Harper from Law and Order, she had many negative impacts on her life. Some of those include effects from the physical aspect of her rape. Possible pregnancy, possible STIs, and being beaten are some of the physical effects that she went through. Her boyfriend was also negatively impacted: after the rape she couldn't cope with what had happened and then she broke up with him. The detectives on her case were all impacted by the crime because they were looking for the man who had raped her and had to ask her questions and see her re-live the experience and see her pain again and again. She was effected long term because she was endlessly afraid of people and the dark. She slept with the lights on and her shoes on. She cut her hair, cut off her relationships with those in her life, moved, and covered her door in locks. Her life was turned upside down because of one night.
Here is a story of a 10 year old girl who was repeatedly raped by the same Mountie who days later murdered a police constable. There are two victims in this case, the little girl and the constable. The life of the little girl can and will never be normal. She will forever carry the burden that as a 10 year old child she was raped numerous times. Emotionally she is scarred and will probably never look at a man with full trust and possibly never be able to be in a romantic relationship with one because of the trauma related to men. Physically it had a huge impact on her life. The little girl asked the man to stop because it hurt her, and later told police that it hurt so bad she couldn't walk. His actions caused her bodily harm because of his rape which she will have to deal with and life with for however long it takes for pediatricians to put it right if they even can. She was afraid of this man, who told her not to tell anyone, and was unsure of what to do and whether or not to tell anyone.
In both of the cases described women, both young and older, are sexually harassed and are severely impacted negatively for the rest of their lives. They are the ones who have to live with the consequences of somebody else's transgression.

Thursday 20 September 2012

According to my social structure crime theory, crime happens because of your surroundings and social history. I believe that where you come from and the experiences that you have can and will effect the choices you make later in life. As stated in this crime report, the son of a former police officer admits to murdering his ex-girlfriend. His reason for commit this crime was that it was in self-defence, and he believed that his ex-girlfriend was in a group of serial killers planning on killing him. This reason appears to show some traits of mental illness or disillusionment. But I believe is more to it than just a mental state.
The prosecuted is the son of a man who upheld the law everyday as a profession. His life was driven and ruled by laws and regulations and that was possibly all that he taught his son at home. Everyday the young man was probably told story after story of crimes that his father worked on. This young man was no amateur to knowledge on criminal ideas and how the criminal mind works. In my opinion his growing up was constantly bombarded by crimes from outside of his home brought in by his father who worked with them all day. It is impossible to completely separate the home and the workplace.
There is also no way to tell if the household environment was exceptional. There could have been divorce and abuse and death that also may have effected the young man negatively to the point of murder. After all that happened in his family and then breaking up with his girlfriend who he may have been with for a long time possibly caused enough stress and anger to make him commit a crime as serious as murder.